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Help us create Apisfera

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The wellness Apiary

Hi, I'm Marco, co-founder of Tana di Noa and creator of the Apisfera project.

I am a beekeeper and the world of bees and the extraordinary healing potential contained in their products have long fascinated me.

Their nature does not only imply the production of honey but also innovative healing tools such as apisoud. This is why I want to create a Wellness Apiary, a place where people can experience the benefits of apitherapy immersed in nature. We've already planned everything, now we need your help to make it happen! Click on the link to discover our kickstarter campaign, which will allow us to build a wooden house to host people, buy hives, bee families and the equipment necessary for their care. Support the project and help us bring this unique space to life.

See full video on You Tube 


Wellness Apiary
a place of care for body and mind

In Apisfera, each element is designed to promote integrated well-being:

from the meditative buzz of bees which generates a sort of "apisound" capable of inducing a state of inner calm, to the natural oils and essences which, combined in "apiaromatherapy" sessions, stimulate the senses and regenerate the mind.

Here, science merges with tradition, giving life to innovative and complementary practices that take inspiration from the observation of natural processes and the perfect balance that reigns within each hive.

Our idea of ​​apiaromatherapy exploits the beneficial properties of natural essences that come directly from the beehives. Through experiential paths, we guide visitors on a sensorial journey that stimulates the five senses and promotes a profound return to inner balance.

Treatments & Remedies

I have a dream, humans and nature cooperating for a better world.

Why supporting Apisfera?

"Because in a hyperconnected world, we have forgotten how to listen. Apisfera is an invitation to slow down, to synchronize with the rhythm of nature. Bees teach us that balance is not a dream: it is a science, it is a dance, it is a hum that heals." Apisfera, be enchanted by the sound of bees and breathe the aroma of life. Come and discover a new way of experiencing well-being: the one that arises from the perfect synergy between tradition and innovation, between nature and science.

We support Apisfera

I love this project!

Hi, I'm Cristina, founder of the witches' workshop, Wellness Coach and midwife. I deeply believe in the value of the "Apisfera" project, in its potential! This is why I have chosen to make the witches' workshop platforms available to promote this unique and innovative initiative! It is my firm will to do everything I can to support Marco and Apisfera to make this project a reality.

With love, Cristina

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